Totem Design House is a family affair that began as a creative collaboration between brothers Jesse and Erin Brillon. The Brillons are of Haida and Cree descent, and were raised on the Pacific Ocean and Northwest coast of BC. They have both studied and worked under the tutelage of master carvers in both the arts and craft, and Jesse has carved museum quality jewelry for the past decade. Their family is proud to wear their handiwork.

Totem Design House was founded by Erin Brillon, a Haida and Cree artist. Her work has gained international attention, and her brother, Jesse, has developed designs that are unique to the Haida culture. Her daughter, Erin, has been silk-screening her designs since the company started. Her creative process is rooted in a deep appreciation of her cultural heritage. Totem Design House aims to make a difference in the world by using Indigenous art and design.

Inspired by her father’s creation story, Erin and her brother Jesse Brillon collaborated on a unique collection of pieces with a traditional Haida motif. Together, they developed the fabric designs, color combinations, and embellishments for the designs. Their goal is to make the products of the Haida people a better place to live. These unique products are made with respect and care and are made with care. The Totem Design House mission is to support the indigenous peoples through art and craft.

Totem Design House also gives back to the community by donating five percent of profits from their sales to programs and projects to empower Indigenous youth. The business is not just a fashion statement, it’s a way of giving back to the culture. A small percentage of every sale supports an Indigenous youth empowerment project by offering art and crafts to young women. The Totem Design House team is proud to partner with these communities and make their products available to the public.

Founded by the Brillon brothers, Totem Design House was named after their parents, a husband and wife team. In the design and construction of Totem, the brothers incorporated their father’s ancestral values and the values of his people. They sourced local workers and used water-based inks and fabrics, which were crafted with love. They are proud to support their community and the arts. The Totem Design House is an important part of our culture.

The Totem Design House team is an Aboriginal youth advocate. They focus on social-emotional learning and nutritional healing. The brand reflects the Aboriginal values of the people who create it. Totem Design House employs local workers and uses water-based inks and eco-friendly fabrics. They believe in the power of art and encourage Indigenous people to support their work. Totem Design House is a great place to shop for unique, handcrafted gifts.