To add a calming ambiance to your feng shui bedroom, add candles. They represent fire and passion, and you can buy red-labeled candles to symbolize your intense feelings. Choose soft-colored sheets and pillows, and avoid hanging features. Adding clutter can also make you feel uneasy at night and inhibit your personal growth. Instead, use natural fiber bed sheets and cotton pillowcases to promote good energy flow.

If you’re looking to feng shui your bedroom, the first step is to make sure your bed is in the proper position. This is called the command position, and it must be facing a solid wall. It should also face the entrance door. The right height for your bed is around four feet, but it’s fine to put a bed on a lower level. A wooden or upholstered headboard is best. Make sure there isn’t too much clutter under your bed, and store only linens in the bottom.

The bed should be placed in a commanding position. The commanding position refers to the direction in which the bed faces the door. It should not be in line with the door, so it can see what’s outside and enter. If your bed faces the door, you can place a mirror or a lamp next to it. These can help you relax and sleep well. You can also place a white noise machine in the room to help you sleep better at night.

If your bed is under a door, keep it away from it. The “death pose” refers to positioning the bed so that the foot is pointed toward the door. This can cause the spirit and life force to run out. To avoid the danger of the death pose, try a different approach. Using a block between the door and the bed can prevent life force drain. This will allow you to feel more relaxed and energized.

It is important to bring natural light into your bedroom. It promotes healthy sleep, and letting sunlight into your room is a great way to do that. It will also increase your energy levels. If you are in a sunny area, it is ideal to bring as much sunlight as possible into your bedroom. A brightly lit room will also make you feel better overall. Lastly, it is important to have a comfortable bed.

When choosing a feng shui bedroom, you should avoid clutter. You should keep a clean and uncluttered room to create a harmonious atmosphere. Your bed should be elevated and have minimal distractions. It should be easily accessible for you to relax, and should not be hard to reach. If you have to work late at night, remove any clutter on the bed. By eliminating clutter, you will create a feng shui bedroom that will promote relaxation and calm your mind.