Feng Shui principles hold that striking an equilibrium between yin and yang elements in your bedroom is key to creating a relaxing ambiance, so adding soft, nature-inspired hues is one way of doing just that.

As part of your art wall decor, consider hanging art that symbolizes health, love and wealth. Such symbols should be placed in the east sector for health purposes while southeast corner can represent wealth/prosperity.


When designing your bedroom, select colors that promote relaxation and restful sleep. According to experts, blues, greens, and pinks are often soothing hues that help promote restful slumber.

Utilizing earthy hues is another great way to promote prosperity and wealth in your life, such as browns such as tan and espresso. Furthermore, light purple shades like lilac or lavender may help enhance mental peace; dark purple can trigger feelings of sadness or frustration so it should be avoided as bedroom accent colors.

Feng shui practitioners believe that tall furniture, such as bookshelves and wardrobes, can block chi in a room by creating the sense of constriction. To counter this effect, move all tall items away from your bed so you can create an symmetrical layout with any tall items present.


Furniture arrangements in your room have an enormous influence on your health, well-being, and quality of sleep. Feng shui principles advocate soft textures with rounded shapes that promote calming colors; sharp corners or protruding pieces have been said to generate harsh energy known as sha chi that may disturb your psyche and adversely impact health.

Your bed should take pride of place as the focal point in any bedroom, and should be in an advantageous location so it will promote positive energy flow in both directions of the room. Ensure it can clearly see both doors from its position – this ensures qi flows smoothly!

If you are married or in a committed relationship, place two carved rose quartz hearts in the personal wealth sector (southeast corner) to attract prosperity. For singles looking for love and romance in their bedroom, add two trumpeting elephants in the love and romance sector (southwest corner). Gold objects or artwork could also help bring prosperity.


Mirrors can add energy to a room, particularly if they reflect clutter or an untidy bed, which is why many feng shui experts advise leaving them out of bedrooms.

However, if your bedroom does contain a mirror, if possible, place it away from the door so as to prevent its reflection of any possible infidelity into the bedroom, which would undermine a successful marriage.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO INSTALL A MIRROR IN YOUR BEDROOM, consider choosing one with a round black frame that symbolizes strength and grounding, which are two key concepts in the bedroom environment. A beautiful pattern frame may help avoid negative associations; wood art such as decorative wu lou or wooden cranes may also add visual interest and longevity symbols into your space. Don’t forget to declutter under your bed; only store things related to sleeping.


Feng shui’s ideal of balance and symmetry dictates that bedroom furniture and decorative pieces be placed in pairs. For instance, you might choose to place two nightstands together on your dresser as well as two lamps in pairs.

Feng shui experts advise against placing mirrors in bedrooms as this can disrupt the calming energy of the space and encourage infidelity in marriages and lead to negative emotions such as anxiety. Any mirror that directly reflects a bed should also be avoided as this may promote infidelity or induce feelings of anxiety in a partner relationship.

Mirrored surfaces should also be avoided in the personal wealth sector of a room’s southeast corner, along with water elements like fountains or paintings of oceans that create too much energetic yang energy for this space. You should also avoid placing a headboard directly in line with your primary bathroom door as this suggests your good fortune and love could easily disappear into thin air!

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